Tips for Spine Surgery Recovery for Seniors

Homecare in Rocky River OH: Tips for Spine Surgery Recovery for Seniors

Homecare in Rocky River OH: Tips for Spine Surgery Recovery for Seniors

Back pain can cause a great change in the quality of life of elderly adults. Many doctors will recommend spine surgery for relief of pain from conditions like herniated discs, bone spurs and other similar conditions. While the spine surgery can be quite successful and relieve elderly adults of significant pain, the recovery process can be extensive and they need plenty of daily care.

Family caregivers can provide excellent care for their aging relative as they recover from spine surgery by hiring a home care provider. They can take time for their own families and jobs while knowing that their aging loved one is in good hands and won’t be left alone or uncomfortable as they heal.

In the first few days after surgery, the elderly adult will not be able to even get out of bed on their own. They cannot twist or turn or even walk well without support. In these early days of recovery, the aging adult will need assistance with everything from going to the toilet to fixing meals. They will also be on pain medication and need reminders of when to take their pills to keep the pain at bay. The home care provider can stay with the elderly adult night and day as needed.

In the first few weeks after the spine surgery, the elderly adult may still feel the effects of the surgery and suffer from fatigue, the after-effects of anesthesia and the pain of the procedure. They will still be unable to move well, and rely more on home care providers and adaptive tools and technology to get through each day. Aging adults at this stage of post-surgery recovery will still need assistance with self-care tasks like showering, dressing, toileting, and grooming.

In the coming months, as the spine surgery recovery moves forward, elderly adults may be able to start doing things on their own. In many cases, a healthy elderly adult can get back to doing basic tasks that don’t involve bending or twisting within four to six months. If family caregivers agree to scale back the amount of in-home care with the home care provider, they can make arrangements for regular visits several times per week.

One aspect of spine surgery recovery that is often neglected in favor of physical care is the elderly adult’s mental health. Recovery can be very traumatic and it can be frustrating, depressing and overwhelming to be dependent on others for care. Dealing with pain can also be hard mentally for seniors. Home care providers can be companions for recovering aging adults and boost their emotional and mental state when things get tough.

Spine surgery can be a wonderful step toward an elderly relative living pain free from a range of back issues. However, because the recovery time is so long and limiting, it makes sense for aging adults to have a reliable, professional support team that includes in-home care from a home care provider.

If you are considering homecare in Rocky River, OH, for an aging loved one, please contact the caring staff at Four Seasons Home Care today: (440) 716-9100.

Hedi Huebler